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CRDM-Guy BrousseauInventory and lookup conditions

The inventory allows for the lookup (on-line) within the CRDM-Guy Brousseau resources, per school year and level, per mathematical curriculum content or per line of research in DM.

arxiu Our Center offers these resources to the interested researcher:
  • In a consultation room at the Library of UJI: for accessing the original document, respecting the uniqueness and classification of the Resources and finding the productions per school level and year.
  • In the web, through the digital resources of the Library of Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (UJI), as far as they are digitally captured. Currently, there are three subcollections:
    • Didactic material J. Michelet School: programmings and reports for each level and school year in the School J. Michelet (Talence, Bordeaux).
    • CDRM-GB Productions: articles, papers and communications made from the material of CRDM-GB.
    • COREM Productions: scientific publications of Centre pour l´Observation et la Recherche de l´Enseignement des Mathématiques (COREM).
  • About 450 videotapes (those before 1985 can be read with special players and some are lost) within the frame Project ViSA of Université de Lyon shall be accessed in IFE-ENS-Lyon, or in person at UJI, when the digital version is not available in the ViSA database.
Procedure: In order to access CRDM-Guy Brousseau resources, the Universitat Jaume I Library and Institut de Matemàtiques i Aplicacions de Castelló (IMAC) have set a common agreement on procedure and conditions for the query, to be submitted through this form, which shall be addressed to the persons responsible for CRDM-GB.


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