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CRDM-Guy Brousseau

The purpose of this site is the dissemination of the Center for Resources in Didactics of Mathematics Guy Brousseau (CRDM-Guy Brousseau) and its documentary contents, as well as the chances of their use by researchers in Didactics of Mathematics.

Presentation of the Center for Resources in Didactics of Mathematics CRDM-Guy Brousseau
UJI CRDM-Guy Brousseau, is a Center tied to Institute of Mathematics and its Applicacions (IMAC) of University Jaume-I at Castelló, whose aim is the development of research in didactics of Mathematics at university level.
CRDM is housing mainly several documentary and bibliographic resources produced in J. Michelet School, a public school cluster in the community of Talence (France), at the levels of nursery and elementary school. At that educational establishment, and in agreement with the Institut de recherche sur l’enseignement des mathématiques (IREM) of Bordeaux University, the Centre d’Observation pour la Recherche sur l’Enseignement des Mathématiques (COREM). This center, created and directed by Prof. Brousseau for 28 years (from 1972 to 1999) was a laboratory that allowed for the testing of several pieces of research (against the contingency of the classrooms) in the frame of the Theory of Didactical Situations.
The name Guy Brousseau for this Center for Resources in Didactics of Mathematics, has been furnished by IMAC by virtue of the scientific prominence of Prof. Brousseau and his involvement at the creation and development of COREM. Since the establishment of IMAC in 2007, the aforementioned Professor is part of the Institute.
The objective of this site is to give information about the existence of the Center for Resources in Didactics of Mathematics Guy Brousseau (CRDM-Guy Brousseau) and to spread the contents of the documentation which houses, and the various possibilities for use by researchers in Mathematics Education and by teachers of Mathematics.
Scientific Committee:
  • Dr. Guy Brousseau (Professor Emeritus in University of Bordeaux, France. Member of the Scientific Committee of the IMAC)
  • Dra. Marie-Hélène Salin (senior Professor and former director of the COREM, in University of Bordeaux, France)
  • Responsible for the CRDM-GB in the IMAC: Pilar Orús (senior Professor in Department of Mathematics, UJI)
  • A member of the Permanent seminar of CRDM-GB: Pablo Gregori (Professor of Department of Mathematics, UJI)
  • Director of IMAC or delegated person: Fernando Casas (Professor of Department of Mathematics, UJI)
  • Head of Library Archive (UJI) or delegated person: Lidón Paris
  • Director of Elementary School J. Michelet (Talence, France): Catherine Musset
  • The person responsible at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina: Dilma Fregona (Director of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy at UNC)
  • The person responsible at the University of Bordeaux, France. [agreement under management]: Prof. Bernard Sarrazy (Director of Department of Science Education)
  • The person responsible for Project VISA [agreement under management]: Andrée Tyberghein (Professor Emeritus in University of Lyon, France)
To contact:
  • The persons responsible for CRDM-GB, in IMAC: Pilar Orús, orus@uji.es, Pablo Gregori, gregori@uji.es
  • The persons responsible for Library Archive and Library resources consulting: Lidón Paris, arxiu@uji.es.


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