Research lines:
- Qualitative study of nonsingular Morse-Smale systems: Structure of the set of periodic orbits of an NMS system defined on a three dimensional manifold.
- Topological study of generic bifurcations of codimension 1. Applications toNMS systems with and without symmetry.
- Study of Hamiltonian systems and their applications to problems in Celestial Mechanics.
- Numerical methods: development of symplectic numerical integrators for differential equations arising in Hamiltonian systems and, more generally, of geometric integrators.
- Study of chaotic behaviour in systems of differential equations by means of numerical techniques and the theory of perturbations.
Technical Services:
- Qualitative techniques of dynamical systems applied to differential equations with parameter dependence that appear in different fields of science and technology: celestial mechanics, economy, biology, etc.
- Software developing for long-time integration of differential equations that provide models for physical systems: evolution of the solar system, fluid mechanics, etc.