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IMAC Seminars

IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Seminar Codes

September 2019

Singularidades e Interpolación
Tentative Date 24, September, 2019 11:00 am

February 2018

Generalizes Weierstrass semigroups and Poincaré Series
Date: 20, February, 2018 11:45 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Algebraic structures and algebraic coding theory.

June 2017

Generalized Weierstrass semigroups and Poincaré series.
Date: 19, June, 2017 10:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

May 2017

El conductor como género
Date: 23, May, 2017 10:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

May 2017

A new characterization of Suzuki’s simple groups
Date: 3, May, 2017 12:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

June 2016

How are A3-groups classsified?
Date: 17, June, 2016 11:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

May 2016

La finitud del monoide efectivo y del anillo de Cox de la explosión de una superficie de Hirzebruch en puntos en posición general
Date: 31, May, 2016 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

May 2016

The Alexander Polynomial of an Arrangement of Hyperplanes
Date: 4, May, 2016 3:30 pm
Details: Work sessions in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD led by Ruud Pellikaan. The schedule can be checked here. This activity is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

February 2016

Construyendo códigos vía métodos elementales
Date: 11, February, 2016 11:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

January 2016

Pencils y lugar crítico en singularidades normales de superficie
Date: 26, January, 2016 11:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

November 2015

Códigos diferenciales
Date: 3, November, 2015 10:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

October 2015

Multiplier Ideals in Complete Ideals
Date: 29, October, 2015 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

July 2015

Hilbert depth of graded modules over polynomial rings
Date: 7, July, 2015 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

May 2015

Higher order generalized Euler characteristics
Date: 19, May, 2015 12:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

November 2014

La función zeta de Ihara
Date: 4, November, 2014 4:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

July 2014

The enumeration of finite p-groups
Date: 11, July, 2014 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

February 2014

On a class of generalized Schmidt groups
Date: 7, February, 2014 12:30 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

December 2013

Quantitative Characterizations of Finite Groups
Date: 3, December, 2013 12:30 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

December 2012

Topología de la curva imagen por un morfismo del plano
Date: 3, December, 2012 12:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

March 2011

Non-commuting graphs related to the groups
Date: 2, March, 2011 12:30 pm


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