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IMAC Seminars

IMAC Analysis Seminar

The IMAC Analysis Seminar organizes activities related to Analysis: Dynamics, Functional Analysis, Fuzzy Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Topology...

May 2021

An introduction to Arens (ir)regularity
Date: 6, May, 2021 11:15 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the Seminar Room TI2328 of the Mathematics Department. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

April 2021

On (recent advances in) norm-attaining theory
Date: 22, April, 2021 11:15 am

October 2019

El limite inverso no-autonómo
Tentative Date 22, October, 2019 11:00 am

December 2018

Espacios de Brown y la Topología de Golomb
Date: 5, December, 2018 10:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

December 2018

Hiperespacio de sucesiones no triviales convergentes
Date: 5, December, 2018 9:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

October 2018

About the mix volume of simplices that contain a convex body
Date: 5, October, 2018 10:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

September 2018

Límites Inversos y Sistemas No-autónomos
Date: 28, September, 2018 10:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

July 2018

Weighted Orlicz Algebras on Locally Compact Groups
Date: 3, July, 2018 1:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

February 2018

Takahashi convexity structures for T0-quasi-metric spaces
Date: 16, February, 2018 10:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

November 2017

On Sequential and Selective Feeble Compactness
Date: 19, November, 2017 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

November 2017

Espacios estrella numerable, estrella Lindelöf y ω-dominación de subespacios discretos
Date: 9, November, 2017 10:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

October 2017

Funciones suaves en conjuntos compactos
Date: 27, October, 2017 10:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

October 2017

The Mackey topology problem
Date: 20, October, 2017 10:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

October 2016

A characterization of Lie groups via locally minimal groups
Date: 26, October, 2016 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

October 2016

Spectral criteria for solvability of boundary value problems for time fractional differential equations.
Date: 19, October, 2016 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

May 2016

On the strong irregularity of the group algebra
Date: 17, May, 2016 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

May 2016

On the strong irregularity of the group algebra
Date: 12, May, 2016 12:00 pm
Details: Work sessions in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD led by Mahmoud Filali. The schedule can be checked here. This activity is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

April 2016

Hiperespacios de sistemas dinámicos no autónomos
Date: 26, April, 2016 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

January 2016

Integrales de energia e inmersiones métricas
Date: 22, January, 2016 12:30 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

December 2015

On Pym’s and Veech’s Theorems
Date: 18, December, 2015 10:30 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

November 2015

Linear Dynamics and its applications to solution c0-semigroups of PDE’s
Date: 5, November, 2015 12:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

June 2015

El semigrupo de Ellis de un sistema dinámico discreto no autónomo
Date: 18, June, 2015 3:30 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

June 2015

Espacios maximal numerablemente compactos
Date: 9, June, 2015 3:30 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

May 2015

Tensor product of Banach spaces, volume ratio, and the failure of cotype.
Date: 12, May, 2015 4:30 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

June 2014

CH y medidas exteriores en los reales
Date: 20, June, 2014 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

June 2014

Local dimensions of convolutions of measures
Date: 2, June, 2014 11:45 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

July 2013

Algunas aplicaciones de selecciones de dos puntos.
Date: 1, July, 2013 12:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

May 2013

Espacios maximalmente pseudocompactos
Date: 13, May, 2013 12:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

May 2013

Transformation groups: essential results and open problems.
Date: 3, May, 2013 12:00 pm
Details: First of a series of seminars ontransformation groups delivered by Manuel Sanchis (IMAC, UJI), as a part of the activities of the IMAC Seminar in Analysis. The IMAC Seminar in Analysis takes place every Friday at 12:00.

September 2012

T(1) Compact Theory
Date: 13, September, 2012 11:00 am
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

July 2012

On the existence of kings in continuous tournaments
Date: 2, July, 2012 3:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in Room TI1329SD (IMAC).

March 2012

Interpolation sets in topological groups
Date: 20, March, 2012 10:00 am
Details: First of a series of seminars on interpolating sequences on interpolations sets delivered by Jorge Galindo (IMAC), as a part of the activities of the IMAC Seminar in Analysis. The IMAC Seminar in Analysis takes place every Thrusday at 10:00.

February 2012

Interpolating sequences
Date: 29, February, 2012 10:00 am
Details: First of a series of seminars on interpolating sequences on the disk delivered by Alejandro Miralles (IMAC), as a part of the activities of the IMAC Seminar in Analysis. The IMAC Seminar in Analysis takes place every Wednesday at 10:00

November 2011

Introduction to hypercyclicity and linear chaos (Mini-course).
Date: 30, November, 2011 12:00 pm
Details: The contents can be viewed here. The sessions will take place in Room TI2328DS of the Mathematics l Departament on November 30 (12:00) and December 1 (15:30).

November 2011

Measurability and semicontinuity of multi-functions.
Date: 10, November, 2011 1:30 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. Room TI2328DS, Department of Mathematics.

October 2011

An Introduction to Fuzzy Normed Spaces
Date: 19, October, 2011 12:30 pm
Details: First of a series of seminar talks on Fuzzy Normed Spaces, delivered by Manuel Sanchis (IMAC) as an activityu in the IMAC Analysis Seminar. The IMAC Analysis Seminar takes place every Wednesday at 12:30 in Room TI2313DS of the Math Department.

July 2011

Construcción de espacios extrarresolubles
Seminario IMAC de Análisis
Date: 27, July, 2011 3:00 pm

February 2011

Algunos problemas sobre aproximación polinomial en dimensión infinita
Date: 21, February, 2011 12:30 pm

February 2011

Function Algebras and Semigroup compactifications
Tentative Date 3, February, 2011 3:00 pm

February 2011

Function Algebras and Semigroup compactifications
Date: 3, February, 2011 3:00 pm

July 2010

F-spaces and two-to-one continuous images of zero-dimensional compacta
Date: 26, July, 2010 12:00 pm


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