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May 2021

Date: 6, May 11:15 am
Conference: An introduction to Arens (ir)regularity
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the Seminar Room TI2328 of the Mathematics Department. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

April 2021

Date: 22, April 11:15 am
Conference: On (recent advances in) norm-attaining theory

October 2019

Tentative Date 22, October 11:00 am
Conference: El limite inverso no-autonómo

September 2019

Tentative Date 24, September 11:00 am
Conference: Singularidades e Interpolación

June 2019

Date: 27, June 12:00 pm
Conference: Recent results on Magnus-type integrators and applications to quantum systems
Details: This talk is part of the Thematic Semester on Quantum Mathematics. The abstract of the talk can be viewed here.

Tentative Date 10, June 4:00 pm
Conference: Huecos en el retículo de las topologías topologías de grupo topológico

May 2019

Date: 13, May 11:00 am
Conference: Irreducible Representations and Particle Physics
Details: This talk is part of the Thematic Semester on Quantum Mathematics. The abstract of the talk can be viewed here.

April 2019

Date: 12, April 12:00 pm
Conference: Operator Spaces in Quantum Information
Details: This talk is part of the Thematic Semester on Quantum Mathematics. The abstract of the talk can be viewed here.

March 2019

Tentative Date 14, March 12:00 pm
Conference: Quantum computing from scratch
Details: This talk is part of the Thematic Semester on Quantum Mathematics. The abstract of the talk can be viewed here.

February 2019

Date: 20, February 12:00 pm
Conference: Quantum Machine Learning: When Physics flirted with Machine Learning, and they fell in love.
Details: This talk is part of the Thematic Semester on Quantum Mathematics. The abstract of the talk can be viewed here.

January 2019

Date: 23, January 11:00 am
Conference: What makes Quantum Mechanics different from earlier Physics?
Details: This talk is part of the Thematic Semester on Quantum Mathematics. The abstract of the talk can be viewed here.

December 2018

Date: 5, December 10:30 am
Conference: Espacios de Brown y la Topología de Golomb
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 5, December 9:30 am
Conference: Hiperespacio de sucesiones no triviales convergentes
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

October 2018

Date: 5, October 10:30 am
Conference: About the mix volume of simplices that contain a convex body
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

September 2018

Date: 28, September 10:30 am
Conference: Límites Inversos y Sistemas No-autónomos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

July 2018

Date: 3, July 1:00 pm
Conference: Weighted Orlicz Algebras on Locally Compact Groups
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

May 2018

Date: 10, May 12:00 pm
Conference: Post-Quantum Criptography with polynomials
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in Room TI2328DS.

Date: 8, May 12:00 pm
Conference: Numerical discretisations of stochastic wave equations
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 2, May
Conference: Mini-course on Stochastic Differential Equations
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. From 2 to 11th May a Mini-course on Stochastic Differential Equations will take place at the mathematics department. The course will be for two hours in the afternoon.

February 2018

Date: 20, February 11:45 am
Conference: Generalizes Weierstrass semigroups and Poincaré Series
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Algebraic structures and algebraic coding theory.

Date: 16, February 10:30 am
Conference: Takahashi convexity structures for T0-quasi-metric spaces
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

January 2018

Date: 11, January 12:00 pm
Conference: Real dynamic and computation: visualizing the stability of iterative methods
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in Room TI2328DS.

November 2017

Date: 23, November 11:15 am
Conference: Matemáticas a finales del XIX y en la Edad de Plata de la Ciencia Española. El Exilio Republicano. 1850-1940
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in Room TI2328DS.

Date: 19, November 11:00 am
Conference: On Sequential and Selective Feeble Compactness
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 9, November 10:00 am
Conference: Espacios estrella numerable, estrella Lindelöf y ω-dominación de subespacios discretos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 2, November 12:00 pm
Conference: Nuevas caracterizaciones de nilpotencia en grupos finitos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

October 2017

Date: 27, October 10:00 am
Conference: Funciones suaves en conjuntos compactos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 20, October 10:00 am
Conference: The Mackey topology problem
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

June 2017

Date: 19, June 10:30 am
Conference: Generalized Weierstrass semigroups and Poincaré series.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

Date: 6, June 12:00 pm
Conference: Preserving schemes based on the Magnus expansion for nonlinear dynamical systems
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the Numerical Analysis and Computational Dynamics Seminar.

May 2017

Date: 25, May 11:00 am
Conference: Funciones de covarianza espacial e implicación estadística
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 23, May 10:30 am
Conference: El conductor como género
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

Date: 11, May 11:00 am
Conference: Estructuras geométricas soporte de la mecánica clásica
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 3, May 12:00 pm
Conference: A new characterization of Suzuki’s simple groups
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

March 2017

Date: 16, March 11:00 am
Conference: ¿Qué es...la teoría de representaciones?
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

February 2017

Date: 28, February 12:00 pm
Conference: Un breve paseo por la Criptología
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

December 2016

Date: 13, December 12:30 pm
Conference: Números: cómputos y algoritmos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 1, December 12:30 pm
Conference: Algunos comentarios sobre el desarrollo de la Geometría Diferencial en España.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

November 2016

Date: 17, November 12:30 pm
Conference: Productos de clases de conjugación en grupos finitos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 3, November 12:30 pm
Conference: Una fórmula de tipo Lê-Greuel para el número de Milnor en la imagen
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

October 2016

Date: 26, October 11:00 am
Conference: A characterization of Lie groups via locally minimal groups
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 20, October 12:30 pm
Conference: ¿Qué tienen en común la estadística y los mapas?
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 19, October 11:00 am
Conference: Spectral criteria for solvability of boundary value problems for time fractional differential equations.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

June 2016

Date: 17, June 11:30 am
Conference: How are A3-groups classsified?
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

May 2016

Date: 31, May 12:30 pm
Conference: Bounding the number of affine roots using algebraic methods
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 31, May 11:00 am
Conference: La finitud del monoide efectivo y del anillo de Cox de la explosión de una superficie de Hirzebruch en puntos en posición general
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

Date: 26, May 12:30 pm
Conference: Dinámica compleja: el conjunto de Mandelbrot
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 17, May 11:00 am
Conference: On the strong irregularity of the group algebra
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 12, May 12:00 pm
Conference: On the strong irregularity of the group algebra
Details: Work sessions in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD led by Mahmoud Filali. The schedule can be checked here. This activity is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 12, May 12:30 pm
Conference: Introducción a los códigos de red linales
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 4, May 3:30 pm
Conference: The Alexander Polynomial of an Arrangement of Hyperplanes
Details: Work sessions in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD led by Ruud Pellikaan. The schedule can be checked here. This activity is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

April 2016

Date: 28, April 12:30 pm
Conference: Clasificación de objetos geométricos mediante currents y Análisis de Datos Funcionales, ¿qué talla compro?
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 26, April 11:00 am
Conference: Hiperespacios de sistemas dinámicos no autónomos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 14, April 11:30 am
Conference: Cuando nuestros datos son formas: ¿qué talla compro?
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

March 2016

Date: 17, March 12:30 pm
Conference: p-límites y p-sistemas dinámicos discretos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

February 2016

Date: 22, February 3:30 pm
Conference: Aportaciones a la investigación desde el CRDM-Guy Brousseau: estudio de la multiplicación
Details: Click here. to see the announcement of the talk. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 18, February 12:30 pm
Conference: Transformaciones del disco del plano complejo e hiperciclicidad
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio ΠRØBEMOΣ". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 11, February 11:30 am
Conference: Construyendo códigos vía métodos elementales
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

Date: 4, February 12:30 pm
Conference: Retratos de fase de flujos Morse-Smale en la esfera tridimensional
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

January 2016

Date: 26, January 11:30 am
Conference: Pencils y lugar crítico en singularidades normales de superficie
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

Date: 22, January 12:30 pm
Conference: Integrales de energia e inmersiones métricas
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 22, January 11:15 am
Conference: Formalismo Euleriano y cuaterniones en la representación de las rotaciones
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

December 2015

Date: 18, December 10:30 am
Conference: On Pym’s and Veech’s Theorems
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 10, December 12:30 pm
Conference: Analogies of classical statistical and probabilistic concepts when dealing with spatio-temporal data
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 3, December 12:30 pm
Conference: Algoritmos cuánticos para la resolución de problemas algebraicos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

November 2015

Date: 26, November 12:30 pm
Conference: In and Out: Homology in Sesame Street
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 12, November 12:30 pm
Conference: El problema de Nash para espacios de arcos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 5, November 12:00 pm
Conference: Linear Dynamics and its applications to solution c0-semigroups of PDE’s
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 3, November 10:00 am
Conference: Códigos diferenciales
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

October 2015

Date: 29, October 11:00 am
Conference: Multiplier Ideals in Complete Ideals
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

Date: 29, October 12:30 pm
Conference: Optimización del cálculo de la distancia mínima de un código lineal
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 15, October 12:30 pm
Conference: Complejos, hipercomplejos y óptica cuántica linea
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

September 2015

Date: 24, September 12:00 pm
Conference: The weight of topological groups via Pontryagin duality
Details: Working seminar with the participation of M. V. Ferrer, S. Hernández and L. Tárrega

July 2015

Date: 7, July 11:00 am
Conference: Hilbert depth of graded modules over polynomial rings
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

June 2015

Date: 18, June 3:30 pm
Conference: El semigrupo de Ellis de un sistema dinámico discreto no autónomo
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 9, June 3:30 pm
Conference: Espacios maximal numerablemente compactos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 5, June 11:00 am
Conference: Modelizando imágenes binarias aleatorias
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

May 2015

Date: 22, May 11:00 am
Conference: El teorema de Namioka
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series Coloquio Prøbemos. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 19, May 12:00 pm
Conference: Higher order generalized Euler characteristics
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

Date: 12, May 4:30 pm
Conference: Tensor product of Banach spaces, volume ratio, and the failure of cotype.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the IMAC Analysis seminar.

Date: 8, May 11:00 am
Conference: Promediando formas
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

April 2015

Date: 17, April 11:00 am
Conference: Estadística aplicada a datos medioambientales
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 14, April 4:00 pm
Conference: Cuerpos de Newton-Okounkov y una conjetura de tipo Nagata para valoraciones.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

March 2015

Date: 27, March 11:00 am
Conference: Teorema de Landau sobre clases de conjugación de grupos finitos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 24, March 12:00 pm
Conference: Casi-uniformidades y cocientes de grupos paratopológicos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 20, March 11:00 am
Conference: Problemes simples de càlcul integral: Estereologia i anàlisi de formes
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 18, March 3:30 pm
Conference: How to compute the Stanley depth of a module?
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 6, March 11:00 am
Conference: Teorema de MacWilliams para códigos de bloque.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

February 2015

Date: 20, February 11:00 am
Conference: Alguns exemples d’aplicació de les EDO (still a love story)
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 12, February 12:00 pm
Conference: Casiuniformidades y biespacios: grupos paratopológicos 2-pseudocompactos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 10, February 11:00 am
Conference: Sampling quantum correlation with high probability
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

January 2015

Date: 28, January 12:00 pm
Conference: Sobre algunas identidades exponenciales
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

December 2014

Date: 1, December 11:30 am
Conference: La anchura media de cuerpos convexos en posición de Löwner
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

November 2014

Date: 17, November 10:30 am
Conference: Richard Dedekind y la matemática moderna
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This is the first talk of the series "Coloquio Prøbemos". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 4, November 4:00 pm
Conference: La función zeta de Ihara
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

October 2014

Date: 14, October 3:30 pm
Conference: Casi-uniformidades y compacidad numerable: algunos problemas
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

July 2014

Date: 11, July 11:00 am
Conference: The enumeration of finite p-groups
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

June 2014

Date: 20, June 11:00 am
Conference: CH y medidas exteriores en los reales
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 5, June 12:00 pm
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI2329SD.

Date: 2, June 11:45 am
Conference: Local dimensions of convolutions of measures
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

May 2014

Date: 20, May 3:30 pm
Conference: The High order numerical methods for Keller-Segel Models on Networks
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

March 2014

Date: 20, March 3:00 pm
Conference: La conjetura del hiperplano y los politopos aleatorios
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

February 2014

Date: 18, February 4:00 pm
Conference: Towards the Pukhov-Perel'man conjecture. Its connection with Gelfand and Kolmogorov numbers.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 11, February 4:00 pm
Conference: Distancias y versiones cuantitativas de distintas nociones topológicas
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 7, February 12:30 pm
Conference: On a class of generalized Schmidt groups
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

Date: 4, February 4:00 pm
Conference: Calculando la entropía topológica
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

January 2014

Date: 14, January 4:00 pm
Conference: Darboux Theory of Integrability: Introduction and Advances
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

December 2013

Date: 19, December 12:00 pm
Conference: Álgebras de funciones sobre grupos topológicos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 18, December 10:30 am
Conference: Divisores dicríticos y curvetas proyectivas
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The lectureer is a member of the Scientific Committee of the IMAC. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 3, December 12:30 pm
Conference: Quantitative Characterizations of Finite Groups
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD. This talk is part of the " IMAC Algebraic Structures and Error Correcting Codes" seminar.

November 2013

Date: 15, November 12:00 pm
Conference: Partially implicit Runge-Kutta methods for wave-like equations in spherical-type coordinates.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 12, November 3:30 pm
Conference: Ideales multiplicadores en un anillo local regular 2-dimensional
Details: This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

October 2013

Date: 22, October 3:30 pm
Conference: Una introducción a la teoría algebraica de códigos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. This talk is part of the series "Young Researchers at IMAC". The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

July 2013

Date: 1, July 12:00 pm
Conference: Algunas aplicaciones de selecciones de dos puntos.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

June 2013

Date: 27, June 12:00 pm
Conference: The history of Poincaré Conjecture: from Poincaré to Perelman

May 2013

Date: 13, May 12:00 pm
Conference: Espacios maximalmente pseudocompactos
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

Date: 3, May 12:00 pm
Conference: Transformation groups: essential results and open problems.
Details: First of a series of seminars ontransformation groups delivered by Manuel Sanchis (IMAC, UJI), as a part of the activities of the IMAC Seminar in Analysis. The IMAC Seminar in Analysis takes place every Friday at 12:00.

April 2013

Date: 25, April 12:00 pm
Conference: Cómo simular de forma precisa el movimiento de nuestro Sistema Solar
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in t Room TI2314 of the Mathematics Department.

Date: 24, April 12:00 pm
Conference: De les equacions diferencials d’Abel al problema XVI de Hilbert
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

February 2013

Date: 27, February 4:00 pm
Conference: On the construction of bent functions of 2k variables from a primitive polynomial of degree k
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in Room TI2328DS; Mathematics Department.

December 2012

Date: 10, December 7:00 pm
Conference: El Bosó de Higgs: Final o Principi d
Details: For more details, check here . The talk will take place in the LLotja del Cànem, Seu de la Ciutat, Caballeros 1.

Date: 3, December 12:00 pm
Conference: Topología de la curva imagen por un morfismo del plano
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

September 2012

Date: 13, September 11:00 am
Conference: T(1) Compact Theory
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in the IMAC, Room TI1329SD.

July 2012

Date: 2, July 3:00 pm
Conference: On the existence of kings in continuous tournaments
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. The talk will take place in Room TI1329SD (IMAC).

June 2012

Date: 4, June 12:00 pm
Conference: Operadores clásicos en espacios de Banach ponderados de funciones enteras
Details: The abstract can be viewed here.

March 2012

Date: 26, March 2:30 pm
Conference: Actividad matemática en diferentes niveles y ámbitos. Nuevas posibilidades
Details: Click here. to see the announcement of the talk. Room TI2328DS of the Mathematics Department.

Date: 20, March 10:00 am
Conference: Interpolation sets in topological groups
Details: First of a series of seminars on interpolating sequences on interpolations sets delivered by Jorge Galindo (IMAC), as a part of the activities of the IMAC Seminar in Analysis. The IMAC Seminar in Analysis takes place every Thrusday at 10:00.

February 2012

Date: 29, February 10:00 am
Conference: Interpolating sequences
Details: First of a series of seminars on interpolating sequences on the disk delivered by Alejandro Miralles (IMAC), as a part of the activities of the IMAC Seminar in Analysis. The IMAC Seminar in Analysis takes place every Wednesday at 10:00

Date: 21, February 12:30 pm
Conference: Computable Analysis. Bridging Discrete and Continuous Worlds for Reliable Scientific Computing.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here.. Room TI2328DS of the Mathematics Department.

Date: 9, February 4:30 pm
Conference: n-ary algebras in Mathematics and Physics: an overview
Details: The abstract can be viewed here.. Room TI2328DS of the Mathematics Department.

November 2011

Date: 30, November 12:00 pm
Conference: Introduction to hypercyclicity and linear chaos (Mini-course).
Details: The contents can be viewed here. The sessions will take place in Room TI2328DS of the Mathematics l Departament on November 30 (12:00) and December 1 (15:30).

Date: 24, November 12:00 pm
Conference: Two dimensional convolutional codes
Details: The abstract can be viewed here.. Room TI2328DS of the Mathematics Department

Date: 10, November 1:30 pm
Conference: Measurability and semicontinuity of multi-functions.
Details: The abstract can be viewed here. Room TI2328DS, Department of Mathematics.

October 2011

Date: 19, October 12:30 pm
Conference: An Introduction to Fuzzy Normed Spaces
Details: First of a series of seminar talks on Fuzzy Normed Spaces, delivered by Manuel Sanchis (IMAC) as an activityu in the IMAC Analysis Seminar. The IMAC Analysis Seminar takes place every Wednesday at 12:30 in Room TI2313DS of the Math Department.

Date: 6, October 12:00 pm
Conference: Convergence of splitting methods for nonlinear evolution equations

July 2011

Date: 27, July 3:00 pm
Conference: Construcción de espacios extrarresolubles
Seminario IMAC de Análisis

June 2011

Date: 21, June 1:00 pm
Conference: Algebraic foliations and dicritical divisors.
Details: Room TI2328 of the Mathematics Department. The abstract can be viewed at http://www.imac.uji.es/Semester/monserrat.pdf

Date: 6, June 12:00 pm
Conference: Some ingredients of linear chaos
Details: The abstract can be viewed at http://www.imac.uji.es/Semester/peris.pdf
Room TI2328 Department of Mathematics.

May 2011

Tentative Date 26, May 11:00 am
Conference: On the foundation of Statistical Implicative Analysis and use of the CHIC program

Tentative Date 26, May 12:00 pm

Date: 20, May 12:00 pm

Tentative Date 12, May 11:00 am

Tentative Date 11, May 12:00 pm
Conference: Numerical Analysis of Splitting Methods
(Numerical Analyisis and Computational Dynamics IMAC Seminar)

April 2011

Tentative Date 13, April 12:30 pm

Tentative Date 4, April 12:30 pm

March 2011

Date: 24, March 12:00 pm
Conference: El método de Newton como sistema dinámico complejo
Details: El conocido método numérico de Newton-Raphson puede ser considerado como un sistema iterativo que actúa sobre la esfera de Riemann. En estas charlas consideraremos el método de Newton como un sistema dinámico complejo.

Tentative Date 15, March 1:00 pm

Date: 2, March 12:30 pm
Conference: Non-commuting graphs related to the groups

February 2011

Tentative Date 21, February 12:30 pm

Date: 21, February 12:30 pm
Conference: Algunos problemas sobre aproximación polinomial en dimensión infinita

Tentative Date 3, February 3:00 pm
Conference: Function Algebras and Semigroup compactifications

Date: 3, February 3:00 pm
Conference: Function Algebras and Semigroup compactifications

November 2010

Date: 17, November 12:15 pm

July 2010

Tentative Date 26, July
Conference: F-spaces and two-to-one continuous images of cero-dimensional compacta

Date: 26, July 12:00 pm
Conference: F-spaces and two-to-one continuous images of zero-dimensional compacta

June 2010

Tentative Date 8, June

May 2010

Date: 20, May 12:00 pm

Date: 13, May 12:00 pm


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